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Q: What would you call egyptians who write and draw?
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they would draw

How did the Egyptians protect their crops when the Nile flooded?

They would dig canals to draw away water

Where did the Egyptians draw?

Fookin belgium

Why do the egyptians draw on the case?

because they give the fod to the gds

Do Mangaka draw or write?

Mangaka can both draw and write, although people who only write would be authors, who sell plots and stories to mangaka's short on ideas. Managaka's can work in colaborations with writers aswell.

What did the Egyptians use papyrus for?

The Egyptions used it for paper useage and for mumifactionAnswerThe Egyptians used it for making paper and for mumifaction purposes AnswerThe main use of papyrus during the time of the ancient Egyptians was as paper to write and draw on. The egyptians did this by pressing together wet strips of the stems to make paper.______________________________________________________________________all of these answers are not wrong but the stems were some sort of reed that grows along the Nile River.It was only not used for mummifacation but for also, paper, sandals, boats, and the poor would sometimes eat papyrus roots.

What does write and illustrate means?

it means to draw a picture and write a story about it or you can just draw a picture and write sentences

How do you draw miscalculated?

Write "Calculation" Draw an X next to it and write "WRONG!" As if it was a test.

Write logo commands to draw the rectangle figure?

write the logo commands to draw the triangle

How do you write draw in spanish?

dibujar = to draw (a picture)tirar = to draw, pull

What do you call a pickle who draw it a joke?

You can call a pickle who draw it a joke a sweet dill.

How do you draw whiteboards on bebo?

You go to someones profile with a whitebard and click draw/write on board you can then choose to draw or write on the board x