I would ask Jakie Robinson if he rather be on the White Sox or Cubs!!!
jackie robinson
Jackie Robinson married Rachel Isum. Branch Rickey, the team manager felt it was important that Jackie be married, thinking that the public would accept him more quickly and the white men would not feel threatened that white women would be attracted to Robinson..rachel robinson
Jackie Robinson's mother was Mallie Robinson.
Jackie Robinson's mother was Mallie Robinson.
jackie robinson
His ckildren were his pets he would whip them the death fro peeing
Jackie Robinson's debate was about whether they would let him play on the major leagues because he is an African American
Jackie Robinson. I would say Satchel Paige in addition to Mr. Robinson.
what was jackie robinson's childhood
Jackie Robinson was married to Rachel Isum Robinson. The two had three children.
The name of Jackie Robinson's mother was Mallie Robinson.
1. when was jackie robinson born ? / the answer is: January 31, 19192. when did jackie robinson died ? / the answer is: October 24, 19723. when did jackie robinson got married ? / the answer is : February 10, 1946,4. when did jackie robinson have kids ? / the answer is :Jackie Robinson Jr, born on November 18, 1946, Sharon Robinson born on January 13, 19505. was jackie robinson african american ? / the answer is : yes