You are such a BOUTEHOOLE
sharing and caring
Sure thing, honey! How about "billowing," "drifting," "hovering," and "gathering"? Those words are as fluffy as a marshmallow and as endless as the sky.
glaring intriguing captivating
blessing loving laughing
Some words ending with 'ing' are:adoringburningcaringdrivingearningendingfacingfleeinggrindinghidinginchingjumpingkickinglearninglovingmentioningnestingopeningpraisingpeelingquiltingracingseeingsteamingtouringusingvaultingwatchingexaminingyawningzoning
some ing words for clonws
unshifting, firming, unyielding
Some ing words that can describe rocks include: weathering, eroding, forming, and metamorphosing.
Some words that have ING in them and can be used to describe the sky are glistening and sparkling. Another word to describe the sky would be dazzling.
ending, ageing, needing
Words beginning wth M and ending with ING:makingmanagingmarchingmarkingmeaningmeltingmemorizingmentioningmentoringmigratingmissingmixingmovingmunching