

Best Answer

You Will Have 1 of these 4 Dragons

1.) Legendary Dragon

2.) Mirror Dragon

3.) Wind Dragon

4.) Crystal Dragon

Well.... You Have A High Chance But Sometimes This

Will Not Always Work...

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11y ago

pure dragon will come out it is very rare!

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Q: What will you get if you breed gummy dragon and soccer dragon?
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its easy this is the dragon you can use breed so cool so you can get legendary dragon gummy + soccer armadillo + gummy coolfire + gummy even 2 pirate did it

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its easy this is the dragon you can use breed so cool so you can get legendary dragon gummy + soccer armadillo + gummy coolfire + gummy even 2 pirate did it

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how how how cool fire dragon + gummy dragon Breed rare dragons like gummy,coolfire,soccer and armadrillo Breed Them 7 times and then you will get a legendary dragon. It may be any legendary dragon..

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