QB Frankie Albert, left hander from Stanford. FB Norm Standlee from Stanford. That's all I remember.
akcent team members names
The 49ers first victory in the NFL came on October 22, 1950 when they defeated the Detroit Lions, 28-27, at Kezar Stadium.
The San Francisco 49ers got their name from the 49ers in the old days that found gold. And then the 49ers in the old days got their names because they found the very first gold ever in 1849!
San Francisco 49ers
The 49ers football team is from San Francisco, California.
It's just a list of names of team members.
San Francisco 49ers during the 80"s
The San Fransisco 49ers were coached by Billy Beanne
The 49ers did not make the 2009 season playoffs.
The 49ERS