John Olden was born on October 3, 1918, in Vienna, Austria.
Each tricycle has 3 wheels, so on 3 tricycles there are a total of 9 wheels.
Tricycles have 3 wheels each. So 9 of them with 3 Wheels 9 x 3=27
A tricycle always has 3 wheels. This indicated by the prefix 'TRI' meaning 3 of.
There are Three wheels on each tricycle. So therefore 3+3=6. 6 wheels.
3 Wheels on a Reliant Robin (3-wheeled car)
1 tricycle = 3 wheels so 6 tricycles = 6*3 = 18 wheels.
3 road wheels
The cast of 3 Wheels - 2009 includes: Cary Woodworth as The American
3 Wheels on (a) Tricycle
3 wheels on a tricycle