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Tonto's nickname for The Lone Ranger was "kemo sabe," which reportedly means ""faithful friend" in the Potawatomi language.

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Q: What was tonto's nickname?
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tontos brutos. ¿¡ no lo saben?¡¡¡ wow

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tontos es muy ovio la respuesta

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i dont know go to a shool and learn it u tontos

What is social networking websites?

i dont know go to a shool and learn it u tontos

What does Hay tontos papeles en mi escritorio que no encuentro nada?

Hay TANTOS papeles en mi escritorio que no encuentro nada, sounds more correct.There are so many papers on my desk, I don't find anything.But anyway, if you meant "tontos", just change "many" by "stupid" in the sentence above.TANTOS = (lots of / many / a lot of)TONTOS = stupid (people, things)

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The cast of Deliciosamente tontos - 1943 includes: Pedro Barreto Fortunato Bernal Fernando Freyre de Andrade Alfredo Mayo as Ernesto Azevedo Miguel Pozanco Antonio Riquelme Alberto Romea