his gambling problems. Besides what do u want to know that for? everyone makes mistakes. Like Kobe Bryant getting accused of rape.
I'm sure everybody has done something bad once in a while. The only notable thing that Jordan was hooked on was gambling in the 90s.
He had cheated on his wife with a prostitute where he had done her really hard
is that a question or what? Michael Jordan will win it in terms of how he has done in the game of basketball and in the NBA.. Jordan has many achievements rather than lebron.. he can overtake it but he can never erase it..
Rape some girl
I dont think hes ever really done anything that horrible i think the worst thing he has ever done is...DATE FREAKIN MILEY CYRUS!!!!!!
Although Michael Jordan was truly amazing, Lebron James has achieved many thing that Michael has done only at an earlier age than Michael. Both are very talented... well Lebron is HARHARHAR LLS
The worst that I have ever done is when integrating wordpress into my website and without adding a loop in it.
The worst thing would probably be them forming this pathetic "Racist" group.
She says that the worst thing she has ever done is when she sent a very sad and quite rude letter to her father about growing up.
Sexual harrassment, unadequate food!
About 3 1/2 years noww.