They were nicknamed the 49ers because the Californian gold rush took place in 1849.
A typical Californian city.
You can breed any rabbit if it is a rabbit and it is the right age to breed.
A Californian is a person born in or resident of California.
The Bakersfield Californian was created in 1866.
Californian Stakes was created in 1954.
No it is not. The legal age is 18
SS Californian ended on 1915-11-09.
The Salinas Californian was created on 1871-03-31.
The typical age for marriage in Medival Times was around 15, but could be earlier or later.
Californian Journal of Health Promotion was created in 2003.
The letters in the word Californian (a person from California) also spellAfrican lion.