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Andrew Carneigie began to threaten workers at the Homestead Steel Mill saying he'd cut down on their wages. Many workers went on strike to go against this because they thought it was unfair. Purpose was the workers went on strike so the industry won't cut down on their wages.

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Q: What was the purpose of the homestead strike?
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What state was the site of the homestead strike in?

The Homestead Strike occurred in Homestead, Pennsylvania.

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What major laBor strikes took place in the late 1800?

the Haymarket Strike of 1886, Homestead Strike of 1892, and the Pullman Strike of 1893

What major strikes took place in the late 1800's?

the Haymarket Strike of 1886, Homestead Strike of 1892, and the Pullman Strike of 1893

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Which state was the site of the Homestead strike?


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They were marked by violence.

Why was the homestead strike of 1892 bad for the labor unions?

That's what caused the strike.

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What did homestead strike show?

That government usually sided with business owners

Why was the strike at the homestead steel plant an important turning point in American history?

Private security was hired to protect strikebreakers during the 1892 Homestead strike.

What was the laborers of the homestead strike fighting for?

To become unionized.