Goals don't matter it is whoever has the most points at the end of the 4 12 minute quarters.
Troy Vance
3 is usually good but lacrosse is all about scoring goals assists are just as great along with ground balls and big hits
it does not really matter that matters is if your comfortable with your head like my lacrosse head stinks and i score like 5 goals a game
In boys lacrosse, the nets are square; 6' by 6'
Lacrosse Monkey and Sports Authority both carry good lacrosse goals. Dicks Sporting Goods and the LAX lacrosse site also have many available, each at various prices.
So you can better see them against the green grass. It also helps so you can see them in a snowy game
A goal is worth 1 point. Or 2 from outside the restraining box.
two goals acicle the goals and a 110ft field
Most youth lacrosse games have 4 12 minute quarters but in most tournaments there are two 20 minute halves.
Lacrosse Goals, 13 X 30 minutes, 2007 APTN
Mitchell Robinson with 69 goals in one game