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Most likely to protect cities in Texas.

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Q: What was the main role of the Texas Rangers during Lamar's presidency?
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Where was lamars capital?

The city of Paris, Texas is the county seat of Lamar County, Texas.

What was george w bush before presidency?

He was the Governor of Texas. Before that, he was in the oil industry, and was involved in the Texas Rangers Baseball franchise.

What was George W Bush's profession before presidency?

He was the Governor of Texas. Before that, he was in the oil industry, and was involved in the Texas Rangers baseball franchise.

Who is better the Yankees or the Texas rangers?

The Texas Rangers

What three states were brought to the union during polks presidency?

Texas, Iowa and Wisconsin

Where do the Texas Rangers play their home games?

The Rangers play in Rangers Ballpark in Arlington. They used to play in Arlington Stadium, but a new field was built in 2004. It was briefly the Ameriquest Ballpark, but the Rangers have broken ties with Ameriquest.

Where do the Texas Rangers come from in Texas?

The Texas Ranger's ballpark is in Arlington Texas and the Texas are referred to the Texas Rangers as Cops

What was the New York Yankees win-loss record against the Texas Rangers for the 2010 season?

During the 2010 regular season, the Yankees had a 4-4record against the Texas Rangers.

Did nolan Ryan play for Texas?

Nolan Ryan during his career pitched for both the Houston Astros and the Texas Rangers.

Who was Nolan Ryan's catcher during his 7th no-hitter?

Mike Stanley of the Texas Rangers.

Why is the Texas rangers mascot a horse?

Texas rangers rode horses

Why are the Texas rangers called by that name?

The Texas Rangers are called that because it is apart of Texas History.