Possibly. Some head injuries, including certain ones received while playing football, could result in memory loss.
Carson Palmer is a professional football player. He has been injured a few times while playing football. All the major injuries were knee injuries, with the most recent injury occurring in the 2012 season.
Yugo is hiding a small scar under his hat, a memento from a childhood injury he received while playing in the woods.
You can in some football, but you are not supposed to.
When you are playing football you should protect most of your exposed bones. You should especially protect your head while playing.
she gets fatigue and
No. John Wayne played football for USC not UCLA.
yes they get paid half there salery
Wages received because of an injury is usually workers compensation. That compensation is to compensate for lost wages, which would have otherwise been earned while working. Those earnings are still taxable.
Never eat a piece of chicken while playing a football match. Or you get a serious case of cramp.