Winning by any margin is possible in American football (except for a 1 point difference where the score is 2-1).
yes it is highest margin as specially cocktail.
The Redskins, as of 2/23/08 or so, have the highest committed payroll, by wide margin.
probably Microsoft
The highest winning margin in an Olympic field hockey game was shared by England, beating Ireland in London 1908, and India, beating Germany in 1936 Berlin. Both had a margin of 7, with a final score of 8-1, and were for the Gold medal.The Highest Margin of victory in an Olympic field hockey game was achieved by India in the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic games. India won by a world record score of 24-1 that still stands...
Alcoholic beverages have the largest margin.
MoV is not specifically a football term and actually has more relevance to gambling. It means Margin of Victory.
ANIL BASU (CPM )Constituency: Arambagh (WEST BENGAL)WON WITH THE MARGIN OF: 5,92,502
The bookies are giving odds of 7 to 1 against the Republicans from winning so i suppose they think there is a 10% chance of them winning (allowing for their margin) Bookmakers are usually better predictors than the polls in predicting the winner.
Just watch Landslide Sarah Palin. Landslide is hyperbole for winning by a large margin. Different people define "large" differently and it can mean anything from winning all the votes down to winning by a few percentage points.