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Q: What was the highest reading counts points?
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its 17 points

How many points is Twilight in reading counts?

its worth 25 points. :)

How many points do you get on left behind on reading counts?

25 points

How many points is Twilight New Moon in Reading Counts?

29 points

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How many poins is Mockingjay in reading counts?

23 points

How many reading counts points is the host by Stephenie Meyer?

It is 22 AR points

How do you cheat on reading counts?

We can help with individual questions only, not help you cheat.

What is the Reading Counts book that gives the most points?

presie jacksan

How many reading counts points is Harry Potter and the goblet of fire?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is worth 42 Reading Counts points.

What book has the most reading counts points?

The hunger games