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Q: What was the group of giants who fought against the new gods?
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They fought against their father, Kronos (Chronos) as well as the rest of the Titans.

What was The Iliad gods' fight and how did they solve it?

They fought against The Greeks and they lost

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He has fought Scylla, cyclopes, minotaurs, centaurs, evil gods, titans, dracaenae, Hyperion giants, and many others.

Who were the gods in the fight against the giants?

All of the Olympians participated in the fight, along with the Moirae and Heracles.

What is the group of giants in Greek mythology called?

The giants were called Titans.

Who is Atlas in Greece?

He was a Titan who fought against the Greek gods, so he was punished by being forced to hold the sky for eternity.

What were some of the creatures Poseidon fought?

Poseidon fought along with the other gods in the war against the Titans. In Percy Jackson and the Final Olympian, he was essential in defeating Typhon. He also fought Oceanus.

Who fought against troy in The Iliad?

The Greeks, led by Agamemnon, who had made an agreement between the greek states. They were aided by some of the gods.

Who Waged war against the gods in Ragnarok?

The Ragnarok has not happened yet however it is supposed to be a battle between the forces of Einheriar and frost giants.

Who were the giants in the fight against the gods?

I wonder if you aren't confusing "giant" with "Titan". However, there was a less known battle between the Olympians and the Gigantes, giant children of Gaia. This war was known as the Gigantomachy, and the gods nearly lost, were it not for the timely intervention of Heracles. The giants were led by Alcyoneus and Porphyrion.

What was the purpose of thor?

In Norse mythology, Thor was the god of thunder and lightning, as well as strength and protection. He was a powerful deity who fought against evil forces, particularly the giants, and was also associated with agriculture and fertility. Thor's main purpose was to maintain order and protect both the gods and humans from harm.

Who were the enemies of the Norse gods?

Norse mythology is quite complicated, but the main enemies of the Norse gods were the Frost Giants. There is also one Norse god named Loki who was working against the interests of the other gods; probably he was the single greatest threat.