The distance from Detroit to Lake Michigan in Muskegon is about 190 miles.
90 miles taking this route:Follow U.S. 31 SOUTH, from Muskegon, to I-94 EAST to DETROIT (via I-196/U.S. 31 SOUTH).Take I-94 (briefly) to WATERVLIET.
Eminem is from Detroit, Michigan. His favorite football team is the Detroit Lions.
NFL - Detroit LionsCollege - Michigan Wolverines and the Michigan State Spartans
Detroit lions
Detroit Lions.
The Detroit Lions play in the State of Michigan.
The Detroit, Michigan area is home to teams in all four major professional sports: Baseball -- Detroit Tigers Football -- Detroit Lions Hockey -- Detroit Red Wings Basketball -- Detroit Pistons
Ford Field is an indoor football field located in Detroit, Mich.
The price of a bus ticket depends on the fare type purchased (example: refundable, non-refundable, return, one-way).Depending on the fare type you choose, a round-tripticket from Detroit to Muskegon will cost approximately $89.76 - $115.00.Price confirmation can be obtained online or through your local Greyhound Operator.
Football - (Detroit Lions - NFL) Baseball - (Detroit Tigers - MLB) Ice Hockey - (Detroit Red Wings - NHL) Basketball - (Detroit Pistons - NBA)
The Detriot Lions play for the NFL (National Football League, they are in the NFC Central Division.