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They felt like it

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Q: What was the baseball strike of 1994?
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Related questions

When did baseball go on strike?

It went on strike in 1981 and 1994

What month and day did baseball go on strike in 1994?

August 10, 1994.

When was last Major League Baseball Strike?

1994 -1995

What year did Major League Baseball strike?


What year did Major league baseball go on strike?

The players have gone on strike or been locked out in 1972, 1981, and 1994. The 1994 strike lasted into the first three weeks of the 1995 season.

Was there a MLB baseball World Series in 1994?

There was no World Series played in 1994 because of a players strike.

Were there scabs in the 1994 baseball season?

No, MLB played no more games after the strike occurred in the 1994 season.

What do the years 1972 1981 1994 have in common for baseball fans?

They Were All Strike Years

What year was the Major League Baseball strike?

The Major League Baseball strike occurred in 1994. It began on August 12 and lasted until the end of the season, resulting in the cancellation of the World Series for the first time since 1904.

When was the baseball strike?

The most recent was in 1994, when the second half of the regular season and the post-season were not played.

What are the release dates for Urban Strike - 1994 VG?

Urban Strike - 1994 VG was released on: USA: 1994

What are the release dates for Urban Strike - 1994 - VG?

Urban Strike - 1994 - VG was released on: USA: 1994