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Pok ti pok

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Q: What was the Mayan basketball game called?
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Is the game of basketball called something else in other countries?


What game is played with crow?

yeah its called basketball.

What kind game is it called and it begins with B?

Basketball is a game. It begins with the letter b.

Cartoon movie with the Mayan game pok-a-tok?

There is a Disney movie called El-Der- Ado

What is it called to interrupt in a basketball game?

i believe its called interference i know the spellings wrong

What is the period called when the score is tied at the end of a basketball game?


Were on the basketball court is the game started?

in the middle which is called the tip off

Which ancient culture played a game similar to basketball called ollamalitzli?

The Aztecs

How many umpires are on the court in a basketball game?

they are called referees and there is 2 to 3

The person that controls the game and calls out fouls is called what in the sport of basketball?

The referee

How long can a game last basketball?

Am official game lasts 48 minutes. a basketball game usually 2 hours

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