The first musical that had songs by Rodgers and Hammerstein was UP STAGEANDDOWN (some time between 1917 and 1919, for The Akron Club) Their songs were "Weaknesses" and Can It". Most of the lyrics were by Rodgers. One song - "Prisms, Plums and Prunes" was by Benjamin Kaye. Reference - Rodgers and Hart, by Samuel Marx and Jan Clayton, page 37, (Putnam, New York, 1976).
At least one Rodgers and Hammerstein song (possibly unused from Up Stage and Down) was used in the circa 1919 revue YOU'D BE SURPRISED
The second show on which they collaborated was FLY WITH ME, a 1920 Columbia University student show. Lorenz Hart wrote most of the lyrics, but Hammerstein wrote lyrics for one song. There was a cast recording made of a 1980's revival by Columbia University of FLY WITH ME.
It was not until 1943 that their first full collaboration, Oklahoma!, would open.
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