no one
Since I'm not Oskar Schindler, I couldn't tell you and guarantee my answer. However; the Nazis taking his Jews were probably one of his biggest fears
The biggest fear of public speakers is an "slip of the tongue".
Fear for his family and people.
He was afraid of people's freedom getting taken away and of slavery coming back
Hannah Montana's greatest fear is Scarecrows.
Shooting things like incident pups
The top ten biggest fears in America are as follows: Economy Job Personal Finances Relationships Health Children Terrorist Attack Divorce Death Insignificance
One of the biggest fears of a businessman is financial failure, which can result in bankruptcy or loss of business. Other fears include making poor decisions that negatively impact the business, not being able to adapt to market changes, and failing to stay competitive in the industry.
sometimes can be a premonition but i think that most of the times their biggest fears can be revealed in the dreams and that's one of the worst fears any parent have is losing a child. that's something that comes with parent hood.
It appears he graduated from Yale University with a bachelors degree.
Dumbledore is the one person Voldemort fears. He is the only person Voldemort believes stands a chance against him. The biggest threat.