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A vast array of products are made with vulcanized rubber including tires, shoe soles, hoses, and hockey pucks.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

used to make eraser

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Hockey Pucks

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Q: What was galvanized rubber used for?
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Should the galvanized pipes in your home be rusting after 19 years?

Depends on the water quality and what type of galvanized piping was used

What is a galvanized nail?

a galvanized nail is a nail that has got a zinc anti detterent on it this prevents the rusting of the nail and is used for construction

What metal coats a galvanized nail?

A galvanized nail is coated with a layer of zinc metal to protect it from corrosion and rusting.

How do you put together galvanized pipe with out threads?

buy a galvanized friction coupling, basically a bigger pipe with threaded caps on each end with a rubber ring that goes over the cut pipes to be joined, the nut for the fitting goes behind the rubber ring and everything gets inserted and tightened hard into the bigger tube. the setup will look like this simple picture: _______======________ _______ ________ ======

Why are galvanized pipes a reason for your homeowners insurance to cancel on you?

Galvanized pipes are no longer used for home plumbing purposes. If you home still have galvanized pipes in you home then it indicates that your plumbing has likely never been updated.

What is GI pipe?

galvanized iron pipes commonly used on water pipe lines, it is dipped into zinc for corrosion protection

Is galvanized the English term for Filipino word yero?

Yes, "galvanized" is the English term for the Filipino word "yero." Galvanized refers to the process of coating iron or steel with a protective layer of zinc to prevent corrosion, while yero specifically refers to galvanized iron sheets used for roofing.

Can an electric hot water heater be used with galvanized pipes?

Not recommended as galvanized piping plugs with rust really quick and eats through the walls of the pipe.

What are the uses of galvanized nails?

Galvanized nails are nails treated with Zinc to prevent rusting and other types of corrosion. They are generally used in circumstances where the area may be exposed to drastic elements (humidity, wetness etc.).

Can galvanized pipes be used in wells?

WHY CERTAINLY if you have the proper PH level

Where is galvanized steel used on cars?

On all new Volkswagen cars!!