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Q: What was a result of the postdam conference?
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What was an effect of agreements made by allies at the postdam conference?

Soviets declared war on Japan.

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What was the agreement made by the allies at the postdam conference?

The German capital would be divided into four parts .

When did potsdam conference begin?

July 17 - Aug. 2, 1945 were the dates of the Postdam Conference held in Postdam an area of Berlin, Germany. Prime Minister Churchill, President Truman and Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union were in attendance. When Clement Attlee became Prime Minister he joined the conference. For more information see related link below.

What was Henry s Truman's response at the Postdam conference at the end of world war 2?

He was disappionted that Russia didnt declare war on Japan and wanted to control countries in Eastern Europe

Which agreement was reached at the postdam conference?

The German capital would be divided into four parts .

President Truman used the Postdam Conference to reveal to Stalin that the US had a new and powerful weapon. Why wasn't Stalin surprised by this news?

Stalin was not surprised by news of the atomic bombs because his spies in the US had already told him all about it.

What was the result of the Munich Conference?

The result of the Munich Conference on the brink of WW2 was that British and French leaders chose appeasement and allowed Hitler to annex territory.

Who was the Japanese emperor during the Postdam Declaration?


At the yalta conference Roosevelt churchill and Stalin decided to?

Established a league of Nations organization after the war.

What was the purpose of the postdam declaration?

Open the door for Japanese surrender.

What was the plan formed at the Potsdam Conference that was ultimately rejected by the Soviet Union?

At the Postdam Conference there were two new leaders, President Truman, Prime Minister Atlee meeting with Joseph Stalin. He was not accustomed to the two new leaders. He did not want to give up the countries he had conquered. Eventually his communist agenda led to the Cold War. Below is a link that explains it in detail.