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Q: What was Tony Gonzalez jersey number for Cal basketball?
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What was Tony Gonzalez jersey number for Cal football?


What number was Tony Gonzalez?

Tony Gonzalez was number 88.

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What is Tony Gonzalez's full name?

Tony Gonzalez's full name is Anthony David Gonzalez.

Who played number 88 on the Kansas City Chiefs?

Tony Gonzalez

When was Tony Gonzalez born?

Tony Gonzalez was born on February 27, 1976.

What is Tony Gonzalez's birthday?

Tony Gonzalez was born on February 27, 1976.

Is tony gonzalez with the falcons?

Yes, Tony Gonzalez is playing for the Atlanta Falcons now.

When was baseball player Tony Gonzalez born?

Tony Gonzalez was born August 28, 1936.

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How old is Tony Gonzalez?

NFL tight end Tony Gonzalez is 41 years old (birthdate: February 27, 1976).

Which position does tony gonzalez play?

tony gonzalez plays tight end for the kansas city cheifs