Name :Peyton ManningSunsign :AriesSymbol :The RamBirth Number :24Ruling Planet :MarsChinese Sign :DragonType :Fire-Cardinal-Positive
His fathers number in college was 18.
He is number 10
I'm not fluent in retard, but I'm willing to bet you were trying to ask: A: What was Peyton Manning's number in college? Or B: What was Peyton Manning's college? The answers to both: A: 16 B: Tennessee C: Learn how to type
Peyton Manning wears the number 18.
The exact number of Division 1 college football players is unknown. However there are a total of 80,000 college football players across all divisions.
Ohio state Buckeyes and Michigan Wolverines
Randy Moss Peyton Manning Donte Stallworth
Josh Clausen
Devin Hester