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when he was 6 he went to live in Italy

he is steak

He moved to Italy because his father (Bill "JellyBean" Bryant) played in the NBA but then went over seas to play ball. He moved back years later to philadelphia to play at lower merion h.s. He went to the NBA in 97' straight from h.s.

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9y ago

LeBron James did not have the best childhood. He went through poverty, moving a lot, and many challenges. LeBron has a single mother, Gloria, and she wasn't expecting him. LeBron's real father wanted nothing to do with him.He might not have even got here if it weren't for the role models in his life. Eddie Jackson ( the father-like character in LeBron's life and the Walkers ( the family LeBron went to live when he was thinking about quitting school because of the hardship going on in his home life.) One major challenge was LeBron and Gloria were living with Freda ( LeBron's grandmother) and on the night before Christmas Freda died. Eventually they had to move out because they could not afford the mortgage.

The first Basketball set LeBron got was given to him that same year, by Gloria and Eddie, who were dating at the time. LeBron did not have the best childhood but with his strong supportive mother, look where he got!

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15y ago

a ballhog like he is right now

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Palyed Ball

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Q: What was Kobe Bryant family life like a child?
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What is your mission and vision in life?

my mission in life is work hard to my family and child better life to my family in to succed my dream come true

Who many a basketball get?

I guess you asking how much an nba player makes If your talking kobe bryant he makes 25 million even bench players who playe 10 minutes a game make a million its a good life.