His influence was his family
Ann Gilrye
John Muir was born on April 21, 1838
he had 5 sisters and 2 brothers
john muir family tree
Darieon Kornegay
What about him. He was the first person to come up with the idea for land marks. I had to do a research project on him this year.
Afghan hound
John Muir was an environmentalist and a journalist. He founded the Sierra Club and helped establish Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks. His theory that Yosemite's geological structures were formed by glacial activity were important in the scientific world.
His goal was to end wars with France and build a trust with them.
Oh, dude, John Muir had a rough time dealing with people who didn't appreciate nature as much as he did. Like, he was all about preserving the environment, but some folks just didn't get it. He also faced challenges in getting people to see the importance of conservation and protecting the wilderness. It was like trying to explain the beauty of a sunset to someone who only cares about their Instagram likes.