It was not a happy one at all, his father was a complete drunkard and so he was from a poor family. He was sold to Sporting Lisbon to clear some of the debt.
no, But soon Cristiano Ronaldo Convert to Islam (Azwaien)
It was not a happy one at all, his father was a complete drunkard and so he was from a poor family. He was sold to Sporting Lisbon to clear some of the debt.
Cristiano ronaldo for sure,but theres others like figo or even Hugo almieda but Cristiano ronaldo is mentioned mostly in Portugal.
PRACTICE. listen people,you'll never be as good as Cristiano he is the bomb but try,
Cristiano Ronaldo has never been married, therefore he does not have a wife.
As he is a ggood footballer and is cute people like him.
he likes the colour red
You cutt it and make a faux hawk
hi like his fan so much
I do, my name is A_i and I love Ronaldo To Death, and I would like to givea shout out to M____n And G_____t!