Weather is normally a large factor. The political situation might be a factor, for example if there had been a terrorist attack at a soccer match nearby recently, people might be afraid to go to other matches. Fans might boycott matches to prove a point to their team or to their local Football Federation. If a match is held during the working week in the middle of the day many people would not come. Those are just a few of the many possible variables.
Some variables that can affect game attendance:
what teams are playing, weather, the economy
what teams are playing, weather, the economy
The football player girlfriend doesn't want him to leave from the bed.
the average attendenc was about 2000 people per game.
count the people that walk in
LeBron James first started playing basketball at the the age of 3 he played for the Duke Blue Devils averaging 69 points per game with 34 dunks in one game a career high the dunk was a 720 vertical flip dunk. The attendence for the game was 69,000 people and Justin Bieber was in attendence singing Baby the fans were booing but who were that booing Bieber or the traitor James??
The end of a football game.
31,525. The Dodgers drew 2,553,577 fans for 81 regular season home games.
The most Popular Roman sport is Football. Not American Football, But in the United States it is called Soccer.
The football game is going to be played in America.
Football - video game - was created in 1979.