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The Narwhal is not endangered so the guy who typed this is stupid

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Q: What types of whales are endangered?
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Which types of whales are endangered?


What types of whales are being hunted by japan?

Humpbacks, Fin whales, Bryde's whales and Gray whales, some of which are endangered species

What are some endangered animals by a seashore?

some types of whales

What types of whales besides killer whales are endangered?

Belugas, blue whales, humpback whales....most of them, in fact.

Where do endangered whales live?

Endangered whales live in every ocean in the world. On the endangered list are right whales, blue whales, humpback whales and fin whales among others.

What are some endangered species in the ocean?

Blue whales, Dugongs and some types of sharks

Are beaked whales endangered or not?

yes beaked whales are endangered very close to extinction

Are Fin Whales endangered?

Yes, fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) are classified as Endangered.

How are blue whales endangered?

Because we have been hunting the whales too much, and they have been endangered.

Why are whales threatened and endangered?

Some species of whales are endangered because they were over hunted by man.

Are whales end endangered?

Not all of them. But there are lots of whales that are endangered too. Like the Blue whale.

Name the sea animals which are endangered?

the endangered sea animals are killer whales blue whales etc