Hoop Pine is useful for making furniture, flooring, joinery, shelving and cupboards.
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i sure can :) now go to kfc
its very hard, a bit like wood
Oak, pine, and maple are three types of natural wood commonly used in furniture making and construction. These woods vary in appearance, durability, and susceptibility to damage, making them suitable for different applications based on their characteristics.
AnswerSoftwood comes from conifers, i.e., trees with needles. Hardwood comes from deciduous trees.Note that by this classification, balsa is a hardwood, but the balsa wood is actually very soft.Softwoods have needle-like leaves. They are generally pine varieties. (Note that they are not called 'softwoods' because they are soft, many hardwoods are actually quite soft.) They are usually non-pored, open-grained, light and some are soft. However, most softwood building components need to be bigger and at closer spacings than hardwoods.One softwood, Pinus Radiata, can be made less prone to termite attack and decay by a chemical treatment called CCA. This gives the timber a greenish colour. Softwoods such as Oregan (Douglas Fir), Western Red Cedar and Cypress Pine are suitable for external uses, as is treated Radiata Pine. However, untreated Radiata Pine, Hoop Pine and King Billy Pine are not suitable for external use.Softwoods are cheaper than hardwoods and increasingly available because of pine plantations.The most common species in the Australian building industry are:Radiata Pine Western Red Cedar Oregan (Douglas Fir) King Billy Pine Slash Pine Hoop Pine Cypress Pine.
Radiata, hoop, and slash pine are grown in plantations along Australia's eastern seaboard, mostly amid less productive bushland. By 2003 there were over 716,500 ha of Radiata pine in Australia.
Mainly oak, some pine and lots of iron nails
Paranha pine Scotts pine Cedar
yellow pine, Parana pine, hemlock, redwood, spruce, cedar.