Wilson Chandler was born on May 10, 1987.
Wilson Chandler was born on May 10, 1987.
Wilson Chandler plays for the Denver Nuggets.
Wilson Chandler plays small forward for the Denver Nuggets.
NBA player Wilson Chandler weighs 225 pounds.
Wilson Chandler is number 21 on the Denver Nuggets.
Wilson Chandler is 24 years old (birthdate: May 10, 1987).
NBA player Wilson Chandler made $6344164 in the 2013-2014 season.
He is 6'8"
Yes. Chandler Massey was replaced by Guy Wilson in the role of Will Horton in 2014.
NBA player Chandler Parsons played for Florida.
There isn't actually a name for The Rev.'s haircut, as it not a normal haircut. The Rev. is almost the only person with that type of haircut, and there aren't many other people that choose that sort of haircut.