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Q: What type of force is striking a match against a match box?
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What type of friction occurs when striking a match to light a fire?

The friction that occurs when striking a match to light a fire is kinetic friction. As the match head is rubbed against the rough surface of the matchbox, heat is produced due to the friction, causing the match to ignite and light the fire.

What type of change is striking a match?

Striking a match is a physical change because it can be reversed by extinguishing the flame. The chemical composition of the match does not change during this process.

What type of force is used to light a match stick?

Frictional force is used to light a match stick. When the match head is struck against a rough surface, the friction generates heat, which ignites the chemicals on the match head, resulting in a flame.

What type of force is used to light a matchstick?

Friction is the force used to light a matchstick. When you strike the match against the rough surface of the matchbox, friction generates heat that ignites the match head, causing it to light.

What type of energy conversion is lighting a match?

Lighting a match involves the conversion of chemical energy stored in the match head into thermal energy due to the friction when striking it against the matchbox. This thermal energy then further ignites the match head, leading to the release of light energy in the form of a flame.

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Brute force password cracking

What type of energy does a match stick have before it begins to burn?

A match stick typically contains potential energy in the form of chemical energy stored in the match head and the striking surface. When the match is struck, this potential energy is converted into thermal energy and light as the match ignites and burns.

Which type of energy transformation is involved in a match being struck and lit?

The energy transformation involved in striking and lighting a match is primarily chemical to thermal energy. When the match is struck, friction creates heat, causing the chemicals in the match head to react and produce a flame, which is a release of thermal energy.

Is fire against bug a good type match up in black?

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What prints by striking a unked ribbon against the paper?

Since you put this in the Computer Printers category, i will answer it that way. The type of printer that prints by striking a print head (the letters) on an inked ribbon is a daisy wheelprinter. You rarely see these anymore.