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A college degree in choreography is needed. To enter I'm sure you need a background as a dancer of some sort (you can't just enter without any experience)

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Q: What type of education do you need to be a choreographer?
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Are there any special requirements needed to become a choreographer?

The following is by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a choreographer. The following is by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a choreographer. The following is by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a choreographer. The following is by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a choreographer. The following is by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a choreographer. The following is by and according to the U.S. Department of Labor and particular to the education and training required for a choreographer.

What college courses do you need to become a choreographer?

You do not really need any gcse for this type of career but i would advise you if they offer dance/performing arts gcse i would take it. You should more concentrate on post 16 that's the most important bit of becoming a choreographer?

What education is needed to be a dancer?

== == All yhu need iz high school and college edu. To become a dance choreographer you need to start going to dance classes, also you need all high school, and a college education too.

Where can you get education to become a choreographer?

Most dancers need long-term on-the-job training to be successful. Some earn a bachelor's degree or attend dance school, although neither is required. Becoming a choreographer usually requires years of dancing experience. Training varies with the type of dance and is a continuous part of all dancers' careers.

What degree's are needed to be a choreographer?

a choreographer needs a dance degree for a particular type of dance

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To be a choreographer you don't need a degree just talent. Some do have degrees in dance and theater, but with talent, hard work, and a bit of luck you can be a choreographer.

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