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Your Moms Gum

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Q: What type of bubblegum does Alex Fergusson chew?
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Related questions

What would be the control group of an experiment to see which bubblegum blows the biggest bubbles?

The control group would consist of a group of participants who chew a standard type of bubblegum (e.g., a common brand or flavor) in the same conditions as the experimental groups but are not subjected to any variations in bubblegum type. This group serves as a baseline for comparison to assess the impact of different bubblegum types on bubble size.

What type of bubblegum last the longest?


What type of gums do whales chew?

whales dont chew gum

What are the lyrics to bubblegum by the slumber party girls?

New to the internet? Just go to or type in lyrics to bubblegum on google search. It'll let you find anything ya want.

What is the most popular bubblegum?

peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, and any type of fruit flavors.

What is Huba Buba?

if you like someone you go huba baba!!! and it is also a type of bubblegum

How Did Bubblegum Get Invented?

Bubblegum was invented in 1928 by Walter E. Diemer, an employee at the Fleer Chewing Gum Company. He stumbled upon the right recipe while experimenting with different ingredients, and the result was a stretchier, less sticky gum that could produce bubbles. This new type of gum became a hit, leading to the creation of the iconic pink bubblegum we know today.

Is there such thing as a bubblegum tree?

No, there is no such thing as a bubblegum tree. Bubblegum is a type of candy made from gum base and flavorings, not a natural substance that can be harvested from a tree.

In the 2001 movie Spy Kids bubblegum is used as what type of spy device?

Tracking Device

What is the best type of chew?

extra spearmint

What is a tobacco type with four letters?


What is the homonyms chew?

"Chew" can refer to the action of mechanically breaking down food with the teeth, or it can refer to a type of tobacco that is chewed rather than smoked.