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Chicago Cubs

Chicago White Sox

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Q: What two major league baseball teams are found in Illinois?
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Does Illinois have a Major League Baseball?

Yes, Illiniois has 2 Major League Baseball teams, the Chicago White Sox in the American League and the Chicago Cubs in the National League.

What does the Major League Baseball stand for?

major league baseball

What is the Major league soccer team in Illinois?

there is no soccer team in Illinois

What State has two Major League Baseball?

New York, Pennsylvaina, California and Missouri, Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Texas.

Major league baseball?

Yep, Major League Baseball or MLB.

What does MBL stands for?

Major Baseball League

Is Major League Baseball fake?

No. Major League Baseball is real.

What is major league basbeall?

major league baseball is the hightest baseball league with the best players

Is Major League Baseball softball or hardball?

Major league baseball is hardball.

Who owns the rights to the Major League Baseball Logo?

Major League Baseball.

What is meant by Major League Baseball?

MLB may stand for several different things. It is most commonly understood to stand for "Major League Baseball", a baseball organization popular in the United States. In business and accounting it stands for "Material, Labor, Burden."

What is the Major League Baseball?

Major League Baseball. It was founded in the late 1800's