Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota are known as the Twin Cities. They are built around the Minnesota, Mississippi and St. Croix rivers.
Minneapolis-St.Paul, Minnesota
Minneapolis and Sait Paul, Minnesota are known as the Twin Cities.
twin cities
Minneapolis and St. Paul, MNMinneapolis and St. Paul.
The 'TC" stands for 'Twin Cities' and is for the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota which are known as the Twin Cities because they are very close to each other.
The Twin Cities, Minneapolis and St. Paul, are named for their close proximity to each other along the Mississippi River. The cities grew side by side and eventually became known as the Twin Cities due to their interconnectedness and shared characteristics.
Pig's Eye- it was named after Pierre Parrant, who was blind in one eye, so they gave him the nickname of Pig's Eye.
The Minnesota Twins are named after the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. And so the TC stands for Twin Cities.
Twin Cities Zephyr was created in 1936.
Minneapolis / St. Paul (The Twin Cities) is in Minnesota.
Twin Cities Hiawatha was created in 1935.
Twin Cities FM was created in 2001.