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Q: What time will take that be on stage at wembley?
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What time does the support act start- Take that Wembley?

6.30 and then 7.45 approx Take That on stage about 9.00 - but dont be late you'll want to see the start

What time doors for ac DC wembley?

4pm ac dc on stage at 8.25 pm

What is the cheapest way to get to wembley from luton airport?

Walking, though it may take some time.

What time does take that concert start at wembley on the 1st July?

details taken from wembley stadium website mon 4th july: Gates Open - 17.00 The Pet Shop Boys - 19.00 - 19.45 Take That - 20.15 Finish - 22.30 (all timings provisional)

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Can you take the tube to wembley stadium in London?

Yes, the nearest station is Wembley Park on the Jubilee and Metropolitan lines.

How long did it take to builed wembley?

it took 3 years to build wembley.

Can you take a homemade banner into Wembley stadium?


How long does it take to get to Wembley Park tube from Oxford Circus tube?

Estimated journey times are available from the Transport for London journey planner website. It gives the time from Wembley Park to Oxford Circus as 24-25 minutes.

Why wasn't Demi Lovato at wembley?

Demi lovato was due to perform at wembley arena at the Jonas brothers concert in November. unfortunately she was booed off stage at a previous performance in which she couldn't bear to perform at wembley. girls cant catch were quickly signed in short notice to replace Demi.

What is the Time on underground from wembley to Heathrow?

About 1 hour

How long does it take to get from london Victoria to wembley?

About one hour.