The Rose Bowl Parade, also known as the Tournament of Roses Parade, takes place in Pasadena, California, not in Illinois. It is a longstanding New Year's Day tradition in Pasadena, typically beginning at 8:00 AM Pacific Standard Time (PST), which is UTC-8. Illinois is in the Central Time Zone (CT), which is UTC-6 (UTC-5 during Daylight Saving Time). Therefore, if you are in Illinois and want to watch the Rose Parade live, you would need to adjust for the time difference and tune in at 10:00 AM Central Standard Time (CST) or 11:00 AM Central Daylight Time (CDT) if it falls during daylight saving.
Experience the magic of the annual Tournament of Roses Parade like never before with A la Carte Tours! Watching the parade on television can never compare to the thrill of being there in person, and we are here to make that dream a reality for you.
Join us for the 2024 Tournament of Roses Parade and immerse yourself in the beauty and pageantry of this iconic event. Not only will you witness the parade up close and personal, but you will also have the opportunity to explore the vibrant Southern California region and create unforgettable memories.
8 am pst - 9 am mst - 10 am cst -
2pm PST
1993. The Cowboys over the Bills the first time around .
Penn State played on January 1, 2009 in the Rose Bowl vs. USC.
Including it's win in 2014, Michigan State is 4-1 all-time in the Rose Bowl Game. It is important to note that "Rose Bowl" refers to the stadium and "Rose Bowl Game" refers to the football bowl game held at the Rose Bowl each January 1st or 2nd.
5:00 pm Central Time is when coverage of the Super Bowl begins. The actual kickoff is set for 5:28pm Central Time.
103,667 at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California (Super Bowl XVII).
They won the 2010 Rose Bowl game against Oregon 26-17
The Oklahoma Sooners won the Rose Bowl one time. They won the 2002 Rose Bowl, played on January 1, 2003, by defeating the Washington State Cougars 34-14.