Here are a few ideas. Play the game. Well. Practice hard with a full measure of attention and effort. Eat and exercise according to a plan that will fully support the best possible physical performance. In particular, consider what one is eating and drinking when "out and about" or just chillin' at home. (Fun is okay, but indulgence for that sake alone is probably bad juju.) Avoid "extreme activities" where anything more than minor injury may be incurred. (A broken leg suffered on a ski competition long jump will be tough to live with.) Help train or coach or officiate - or just show up to inspire - where appropriate. Any player who plays in the best spirit of the game, and then lives the rest of his life in that same spirit, will build a testament to things good and worthwhile. And will be rewarded in ways he cannot possibly imagine.
Work hard. Work hard and obey your coach.
Playing Soccer
Pele considered to be the greatest soccer player of all time.
No not really!
by becoming a pro soccer player