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Q: What the average amount of players for a middle school baseball team?
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How do you get a median with even amount of numbers which are decimals?

Take the average of the middle two numbers.

How does the mean and the median compare?

mean is the average of a bunch of numbers. the median is the middle number of the bunch. if the bunch has an even amount of numbers, you average the middle 2 numbers to get the median.

How do you get a middle school average?

If you mean by a Grade Point Average (GPA,) you would collect all of your grades from your middle school year(s) and dividing it by your total amount of credit hours attempted.

How do you find the meadian of an even amount of numbers?

Assuming that you are referring to the median, the answer is to arrange the number is size-order and take the arithmetic mean (average) of the middle two numbers.

What do pro baseball players make?

If you are asking how much money professional baseball players make, it depends. The highest contract in MLB history was 280 million dollars over eight years, paid to Alex Rodriguez by the New York Yankees. An average player makes about 8 million a year, while low skill players can be paid as little as 300,000 a year. Pitchers are typically paid less than position players, especially middle and long relievers. However, these figures apply to today's players. Players were paid a lot less previously, and it has been a fairly recent development that baseball players can even make a living off of their sport, much less be some of the richest people in the country.

Is the mean an the average the same thing?

no, the mean is the number that appears in the middle when placed from lowest to highest, the average is the sum of the numbers divided by the amount of numbers.

How do you be a good middle fielder?

practice ---------- There is no "middle fielder" in baseball. However, the second baseman and the shortstop are sometimes referred to as the "middle infielders." Also, when a team is said to be "strong up the middle," it generally means they have good players at catcher, second base, shortstop and center field.

What does the average person earn in the U.S.A.?

The average person in the U.S.A. earns about $32,000 per year. This amount will vary slightly among the middle class which defines an average person in most societies.

How do you find the median in a even amount of numbers?

After ordering the numbers from least to greatest, average the two middle numbers.

What would your median be if you had 84 and 85 as your numbers?

The median is the middle value or, in your case, where there is an even amount of numbers, the average of the two middle numbers. This means the median of 84 and 85 is the same as the average, which is 84.5 (84 and 85 divided by 2)

What do you have to do when there are two middle numbers in the meadian at maths?

Then you take the average of the two middle numbers.Then you take the average of the two middle numbers.Then you take the average of the two middle numbers.Then you take the average of the two middle numbers.

What would the median be of 1 0 4 1 1 4 and why?

You need to put these into order: 0,1,1,1,4,4 The median is the middle number. In this case where we have an even amount of scores, the median is the average of the two middle numbers. Here the two middle numbers are 1, 1. The average of these is 1. This is our median.