Rounders is an 1998 movie centering around the game of Poker. Examples of the terminology in the game of Texas Hold em include: "all in" (which means you are betting all of your chips) "Slow-rolling" (you are slowly showing a really good hand in order to trick your opponents into betting more) or "the nuts," (which means the best possible combination of cards in a given hand)
elbow joint
the formation is O O { } { } U
Rounders is "Schlagball" in German.
because you need speed to get a rounder
The Production Budget for Rounders was $12,000,000.
Rounders was released on 09/11/1998.
Terminology is some group of terms or words that are used in discussing some specific subject. Chemistry has its own terminology.
Directional terminology in massage therapy is the same as medical terminology. It is used to find and describe locations on the body.
Well, it is up to you if you like rounders or not so it depends on who is answering the question. I don't mind rounders but it isn't my favourite sport, so that is my opinion, it is up to you about what you think about rounders.
Mary was unfamiliar with some of the terminology used on the AP Psychology exam.