Brett Favre is now retired and no longer plays in the NFL. During his career he played for 4 teams, though he is best known as the quarterback for the Green Bay Packers. He also played for the Falcons, Jets and Vikings.
Brett Favre was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons, traded to the Green Bay Packers, traded again to the New York Jets, and once again traded to the Minnesota Vikings, where he currently plays as starting QB. Favre has said that he is going to retire this year, but he has said that before...
1 Brett Favre
Brett Farve Brett Farve is 40 and Peyton Manning is 33
Brett Farve left the Green Bay Packers in 2007.
Brett Lorenzo Farve
Brett Farve
Brett farve
brett farve. he is around 40 yrs old and he has been on tons of teams. like the vikings,packers,and more. he is by far the best nfl player
Brett farve is older
No. He has 2 daughters.
Brett farve
Brett Farve