Gary Lineker made 103 La Liga appearances for Barcelona between 1986 and 1989.
Gary Lineker's birth name is Lineker, Gary Winston.
loser lineker
Gary Lineker was born on November 30, 1960.
Gary Lineker was born on November 30, 1960.
Gary Lineker is not affiliated with any religion.
Indeed, Gary Lineker did play for the English national team.
Gary Lineker's Superstar Soccer was created in 1987.
Gary Lineker's Superstar Soccer happened in 1987.
Gary Lineker is known to speak English as his primary language. He may also have some proficiency in other languages due to his international football career and travels, but English is the language predominantly associated with him.
Gary Lineker
how many world cup matches did Gary lineker play
A persistent toe injury forced Lineker to retire.