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Q: What team won the EPL last year in soccer?
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Which team was crowned the EPL champion for the 199293 season?

The team that was crowned the EPL champion for the 1992-93 season was Manchester United.

Which team was crowned the EPL champion for the 1994 and 95season?

The team that was crowned the EPL champion for the 1994-95 season was the Blackburn Rovers.

Which team was crowned the EPL champion for the 1993 and 94 season?

The team that was crowned the EPL champion for the 1993 and 94 season was Manchester United.

Which team was crowned the EPL champion for the 1995 and 96 season?

The team that was crowned EPL champion for the 1995 and 96 season was Manchester United.

Which team was crowned the EPL champion for the 1996 and 97 season?

The team that was crowned the EPL champion for the 1996 and 97 season was Manchester United.

Which team was crowned the EPL champion for the 2012 and 13 season?

The team that was crowned EPL champion for the 2012 and 13 season was Manchester United.

Is the EPL the best soccer league in the world?

== == No its not! Its la Liga by miles ahead!

How many players in soccer have scored from the centre of the soccer pitch?

Only 3 players have scored from the half-way line is soccer since 1950. Xavi Alonso for Liverpool( EPL 2008) and Hugo Roddelega(EPL 2010) for Wigan and Maradona for Argentina. ( International '79)

Who is Prince Harry's favorite EPL team?


The team to win most of the epl titles?


Which team was crowned the EPL champion for the 1998 and 99 season?

The English Premier League Team that was crowned the EPL champion for the 1998 and 1999 season was Manchester United.

Which EPL team has the smallest fan base?

This changes evey year. Generally, the smallest club in the league will have the smallest fan base.