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Barcelona fc

**Barcelona are certainly the best right now.

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Brazil 1970

England 1966

Barcelona 2010-2011

Manchester Utd 1999

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Q: What team is the best football team ever?
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The Dallas, Cowboys are the best football team in the world forever and ever

Is Liverpool the best football team ever?

Liverpool is the best team ever! I am telling you the truth! Do you want to know who is the worst team is...Manchester United!!

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1998 Tennessee Vols

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Fabianski arsenal the worlds best football team ever

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Because they have Ronald Cunningham II on their team :)

Is Liam the best ever?

Yes and he is a great football player and he plays for the best team bournville

Are the raiders the best football team ever?

Two words, John Madden.

Which is the better football team out of Liverpool and Manchester united?

Liverpool are the best football team ever so don't Dis LIVERPOOL THROUGH AND THROUGH

Best football team ever?

the best football team ever is Manchester united as they beat arsenal22-0 , Chelsea 45-0 and are going to win evry premierahip startin from 2011 ^^^ Brilliant answer, except for the fact that this question is in the "Football - American" category. *sigh*

Is WVU the best college football team ever?

No, that would be the 1998 Tennessee Vols