The franchises that have been to a super bowl but never won multiple times are, in order from most to least, the Buffalo Bills who lost them all in a row with 4, the Minnesota Vikings with 4, the Cincinnati Bengals with 2, and the Philadelphia Eagles with 2 losses.
Atlanta Falcons 0 - 1 (XXXIII)
Carolina Panthers 0 - 1 (XXXVIII)
San Diego Chargers 0 - 1 (XXIX)
Seattle Seahawks 0 - 1 (XL)
Tennessee Titans 0 - 1 (XXXIV)
Cincinnati Bengals 0 - 2 (XVI, XXIII)
Philadelphia Eagles 0 - 2 (XV, XXXIX)
Buffalo Bills 0 - 4 (XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII)
Minnesota Vikings 0 - 4 (IV, VIII, IX, XI)
The Buffalo Bills (SBs XXV, XXVI, XXVII, and XXVIII) and the Minnesota Vikings (SBs IV, VIII, IX, and XI) each with 4 Super Bowl appearances without a victory.
The buffalo bills! Atlanta Falcons, San Diego Chargers, Seattle Seahawks,
Cincinnati Bengals, Minnesota Vikings. Carolina Panthers, Arizona Cardinals, Los Angeles (Not St Louis) Rams
The Cleveland Browns have never appeared in a Super Bowl.
The Detriot Lions have never been to the Super bowl.
Buffalo Bills
no. mike Vick never went to a super bowl
They've never been in a Super Bowl.
Tom Brady has been to the Super Bowl 4 times. He's won 3 times and been Super Bowl MVP twice.
They have been to the Super Bowl five times and have won four times.
The Cleveland Browns have never been in a Super Bowl.
Denver, Colorado has never hosted the Super Bowl.
there was no super bowl in 1957 & the lions have never been in a super bowl.
The Super Bowl has never been played in Missouri nor a state bordering Missouri.The closest states where the Super Bowl has been played are Minnesota, Louisiana, and Texas.
Detriot has never been to the Super Bowl.