Roy Williams was born on August 14, 1980. He was drafted for the NFL in 2002 and debuted for the Dallas Cowboys that same year. The last team ROY Williams played on is the Cincinnati Bengals from 2009 till 2010.
Defense back Roy L. Williams played for the Cowboys from 2002-2008. Wide receiver Roy E. Williams came to the Cowboys in a 2008 trade and will begin his fourth season with the team in 2011.
Roy Hibbert plays for the Indiana Pacers.
Roy Miller plays for the Jacksonville Jaguars.
Roy Finch plays for the England Patriots.
Roy Helu plays for the Washington Redskins.
Roy Philon plays for the Pittsburg Steelers.
roy Williams
Derek Roy plays for the St. Louis Blues.
portland trail blazers
Damien Williams plays for the Miami Dolphins.
Roy Williams
Roy Williams was born on December 20, 1981.