Al Harrington was born on February 17, 1980.
Al Harrington was born on February 17, 1980.
Al Harrington - actor - was born on 1935-12-12.
Al Harrington (NBA player) is 37 years old (birthdate: February 17, 1980).Al Harrington (Samoan actor) is 82 years old (born Tausau Ta'a, December 12, 1935).
Al Horford plays for the Atlanta Hawks.
Al Jefferson plays for the Charlotte Hornets.
Al Alburquerque plays for the Detroit Tigers.
Al Lapuaho plays for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Al Montoya plays for the Winnipeg Jets.
Al Horford plays for the Atlanta Hawks.
Al Harrington might be known to people as a detective from an old television show called "Hawaii Five-O". Al Harrington was born in Samoa. He has played other roles on other shows where he played different types of characters.
Al Netter plays for the San Francisco 49ers.