Gil Hodges was born on April 4, 1924.
Gil Hodges was born on April 4, 1924.
Gil Hodges died on April 2, 1972 at the age of 47.
Gil Hodges was born April 4, 1924, in Princeton, IN, USA.
Gil Hodges' number 14 was retired by the New York Mets in 1972
Marine Parkway-Gil Hodges Memorial Bridge was created in 1937.
Gil Hodges was born on April 4, 1924 and died on April 2, 1972. Gil Hodges would have been 47 years old at the time of death or 91 years old today.
15 ft 6 in
Gil Hodges is 6 feet 1 inches tall. He weighs 200 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
Gil Hodges
Gil Hodges
new york mets